Kim Wilde "It's Alright"
Publié le 28 Juillet 2011
Et bien voilà ! la vidéo est déjà en ligne sur le net !
Quelques jours à peine après vous avoir annoncé que j'avais écouté ce nouveau titre nous pouvons tous le faire librement avec en prime le clip officiel ! Réalisée par Nikolaj Georgiew dans le superbe hôtel Kameha à Bonn, nous pouvons retrouver notre Kim que je trouve très belle et je me répète, cette version me plait beaucoup, les East 17 peuvent être vraiment fiers !
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"It's Alright" lyrics (Anthony Mortimer)
Don't you worry, cos it's alright
Don't you worry, child of the night
Cos in the morning,
Come with the new day sun
Love - an everlasting light
We are the seed of the new breed
We'll succeed our time has come
We are the new
These words are true
Let the light of love shine through
It's alright (X 3)
It's really alright
It's alright
It's really alright
Alright, alright
Everything's gonna be alright (x 3)
Alright, alright it's ready alright
Listen 2 me
Dreams can come true
Call out 2 love
It will answer you
4 get your trouble and smile
Let your heart speak awhile
Let the light of love shine through
We are the seed of the new breed
We'll succeed our time has come
We are the new
These words are true
Let the light of love shine through
It's alright (X 3)
It's really alright
It's alright
It's really alright
Alright, alright
Everything's gonna be alright (x 3)
Alright, alright it's ready alright
It's alright (X 3)
It's really alright
It's alright
It's really alright
Alright, alright
Everything's gonna be alright (x 3)
Alright, alright it's ready alright